Friends and Family Donations
We need your donation – big or small – every dollar helps us support our staff, students, and Glenwood School community.
Funds raised by the PTA are used to support educational opportunities for both students and teachers and to contribute to the general welfare of Glenwood families. The PTA uses raised funds to:
- buy school supplies
- improve school grounds
- support school initiatives
- fund field trips
- support cultural enrichment experiences
- support staff develop
- show staff appreciation
- build a stronger Glenwood community and student welfare through events
For tax deduction purposes, our EIN number is 56-1196269. Please contact us at glenwoodptachccs@gmail.com if you need an official receipt.
Does your employer offer a corporate match gifting program?
If yes, please select “yes” in your checkout and the Gator Giving coordinator will contact you.
Corporate Sponsors
Does your business want to sponsor our school? If yes, we have three levels of corporate sponsorships: Green Gator ($250), Silver Gator ($500), and Golden Gator ($1000). Each level includes advertising perks to our Glenwood community.

Green Gator $250
- Company logo and website link featured on the Glenwood PTA homepage

Silver Gator $500
- Green Gator benefits, plus:
- Company logo and website featured in the “sponsors” section of our bi-weekly e-newsletter, Gator Tales, for this school year
- Company featured twice in our Glenwood PTA Facebook and Instagram

Gold Gator $1000
- Silver Gator benefits, plus:
- Company logo featured on the back of our school t-shirts for the next academic year
- Company logo, website, and short feature on your business will be shared in the Gator’s Tale.

A big thank you from Glenwood Elementary, its staff, its students, and its PTA.