
PTA Reflections Art Contest

This year, the theme to the PTA Reflections Art Program is “Show Your Voice”.  North Carolina PTA is proud to be apart of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education. More information to follow. Art submissions are usually due to Glenwood at the beginning of December. For more …

PTA Reflections Art Contest Read More »

The Countdown Begins 开始学期倒计时….

The school day countdown began in our house this morning: 12.5 days of school to go.  A few items to highlight: PTA volunteers: We have 14 small and important jobs to fill. Please volunteer here. SIT applicants: Please serve on Glenwood’s School Improvement Team. This team is required by NC state law. (Info below.) Book Fair: Our …

The Countdown Begins 开始学期倒计时…. Read More »

PSF Breakfast and Roses Fundraiser PSF 早餐和玫瑰筹款活动

PSF Breakfast and Roses Fundraiser PSF’s (Public School Foundation’s) breakfast and roses event is back. The PSF raises money to treat all staff of CHCCS with breakfast and roses. Additionally, this event raises funds for grants and supplies across our public school system.  Didn’t we just do Staff Appreciation Week? And a PSF 5K? Doesn’t …

PSF Breakfast and Roses Fundraiser PSF 早餐和玫瑰筹款活动 Read More »

Advocacy Alert 倡导提示

Advocacy Alert: State Funding of Our Public Schools A note from Cassie Ford, CHCCS PTA Council President: “As you may know, the Leandro deadline is approaching, and we need to help folks who want to put pressure on their legislators. This linked letter is a template that you can modify and use to reach out …

Advocacy Alert 倡导提示 Read More »