SIT Elections  学校改进团队选举

This past Friday, you received an email from the PTA regarding SIT (School Improvement Team) elections at Glenwood. The School Improvement Team (SIT) is a school committee made up of school administrators, teachers, staff, and parents/legal guardians who serve as an advisory body to the principal in developing, reviewing, and implementing the School Improvement Plan …

SIT Elections  学校改进团队选举 Read More »

SNAC Petition SNAC 申请

SNAC Petition for EC Pay The Special Needs Advisory Council (SNAC) has developed a petition for Dr. Hamlett and the Board of Education to consider increasing pay for EC (exceptional children) teachers and assistants. This is to make the district more competitive with area districts in hiring and retaining EC staff. It will be shared …

SNAC Petition SNAC 申请 Read More »

CHCCS mascots

PSF 5K / 5K 步行、跑步或为教育欢呼

5K Walk, Run, or Cheer for Education After a pandemic break, CHCCS Public School Foundation’s (PSF) annual, in-person  “5K for Education” is back! This event raises money for all CHCCS schools and the PSF.  We need the following volunteers to help with this event. Please! Please email us if you are willing to help out …

PSF 5K / 5K 步行、跑步或为教育欢呼 Read More »

Upcoming CHCCS Board of Education Candidate Forum 即将举行的 CHCCS 教育委员会候选人论坛

Upcoming CHCCS Board of Education Candidate Forum  The CHCCS Board of Education Candidate forum is Tuesday, September 28th 7pm-8:30pm. Get more information on Facebook here. Zoom meeting information: Meeting ID: 823 6527 2690 Passcode: 786414 即将举行的 CHCCS 教育委员会候选人论坛 CHCCS 教育委员会候选人论坛于 9 月 28 日星期二晚上 7 点至晚上 8 点 30 分举行。在此处获取有关 Facebook 的更多信息。 Zoom会议信息: 会议编号:823 6527 …

Upcoming CHCCS Board of Education Candidate Forum 即将举行的 CHCCS 教育委员会候选人论坛 Read More »