Autism Awareness Spirit Week 接受自闭症精神周

Autism Awareness Spirit Week

Help your child show support and awareness for autism acceptance each day the week after Spring Break. Did you know the autism acceptance symbol is a rainbow infinity sign? Learn about this symbol and more in this short “Autism 101 Acceptance” presentation created by our own autism specialist, Stefanie Thurber.  

Mon, April 4 – Hat/Wild Hair Day

Magnificent Mind Monday: Autism is a neurological variation, which means the brains of autistic people work differently than the brains of allistic (non-autistic) people–and that’s amazing! Celebrate how amazing it is that all our minds work in different, wonderful ways by wearing a fun hat and/or wild hair!

Tues, April 5 – Rainbow/Tie-Day Day

Neurodiversity Tuesday: To celebrate the beauty in the diverse spectrum of the human mind, wear rainbow and/or tie-dyed clothes to school!

Wed, April 6 – Wear Your Passion

What’s Your Passion Wednesday: One characteristic of autism is to show incredibly focused passion for topics of interest. What are you passionate about? Dress to show something you love!

Thur, April 7 – Wear Red or Gold

Thursday, Show Your Autism Acceptance: Love and acceptance go a long way. Wear red or gold to show your support and acceptance of autistic individuals!

Fri, April 8 – Wear Comfy Clothes

Sensory Friendly Friday: Autistic people often have a variety of sensory sensitivities. Dress up today in your most comfy clothes (including school-appropriate pjs), use as much natural light in your classroom instead of fluorescents as possible, and/or wear sunglasses


庆祝自闭症接受 4 月 4 日至 4 月 8 日!

伟大心灵的星期一  自闭症是一种神经变异,这意味着自闭症患者的大脑与非自闭症人的大脑工作方式不同——这太神奇了!让我们通过戴上有趣的帽子或者狂野的头发来庆祝我们这各具不同的大脑工作方式吧!

神经多样性的星期二   为了庆祝人类心灵的多样性,让我们穿上彩虹或润染的衣服上学!

充满热情的星期三    自闭症的一个特征是对感兴趣的话题表现出难以置信的专注热情。你对什么充满热情?穿上你喜欢的衣服来展示你的热情!

展示你对自闭症接受的星期四   爱和接受是需要很长的过程。穿红色或金色,来表示我们对自闭症患者的支持和接受!

感官友好的星期五  自闭症患者通常具有多种感官敏感性。穿上你最舒适的衣服(包括适合学校的睡衣),在教室里尽可能多地使用自然光而不是荧光灯或戴太阳镜。