Glenwood Night Out with Chipotle 格伦伍德餐厅日

Glenwood Night Out this week: Chipotle

Our final Glenwood Night Out of 2021 is at Chipotle (301 West Franklin Street) in downtown Chapel Hill on Tuesday, December 7th from 4-8pm ONLY – you must show the flyer you received in the Gator Communicator or use the code 8GN7GAQ for online orders for the proceeds to go to the PTA. Glenwood will receive 33% of purchases when you eat there! Thank you for your support!


我们 2021 年的最后一场格伦伍德之夜将于 12 月 7 日星期二下午 4 点至晚上 8 点在教堂山市中心的 Chipotle(西富兰克林街 301 号)举行——您必须出示您在 Gator Communicator 中收到的传单或使用代码 8GN7GAQ 进行在线订购 将所得款项捐给 PTA。 当您在那里用餐时,其中的33%将捐给格伦伍德! 感谢您的支持!

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