Gator Giving Campaign 鳄鱼捐赠: 我们离目标不远啦!

Gator Giving: We’re Getting There!

Our Gator Giving campaign is off to a great start. We have four more weeks to go to reach our goal. Click here to donate online or send in a check through your child’s Gator Communicator made payable to Glenwood PTA. Please consider a donation of $100, $200, or $400 per student. 

We have exciting events planned for your kids as we celebrate each of the following fundraising milestones:

$5,000 – Popsicles → GOAL MET! → Our kids will enjoy popsicles on Wed, Oct 13th!

$10,000 – Chomps & Pajama Day → GOAL MET! → On Thur, Oct 28th, you get to be lazy and keep your kid(s) in their favorite pajamas for the school day AND they will receive 10 special Gator Chomps (as seen below). 

$15,000 – More Recess! →  GOAL MET! → Coming to your child’s class in the month of October!

$20,000 – Book giveaway!!

All students will be entered into a drawing for a free book, up to a $10 value, from the book fair or Flyleaf Books. (One winner per class.)

$25,000 – Pie Throwing!

All students will be entered into a drawing for a turn to throw whipped cream pies at teachers and staff. (One winner per class.) AND Glen the Gator will make a surprise appearance.

Thank you for your support! 

鳄鱼捐赠: 我们离目标不远啦!

我们的 Gator Giving 活动已经有了一个良好的开端。到现在为止来自个人和家庭捐助的善款已上升到17,540美元。另外还有一家企业赞助了1,500美元。这是多么激动的开始啊!我们离达到 25,000 美元的目标还有四个星期。单击此处 在线捐赠或通过您孩子的 Gator Communicator 发送支票,支票抬头为 Glenwood PTA。请考虑为每位学生捐赠 100 美元、200 美元或 400 美元。


5,000 美元 – 冰棒 → 目标达成→我们的孩子将在 10 月 13 日星期三享用冰棒!

10,000 美元 – Chomps 和睡衣日 → 目标达成 → 在 10 月 28 日星期四,您可以懒个小惰,让您的孩子在上学日穿着他们最喜欢的睡衣,他们将收到 10 个特别的 Gator Chomps(如下所示)

15,000 美元 – 更多课间休息时间! → 目标达成!→10 月份来到您孩子的课堂!

20,000 美元 – 赠书!!

所有学生都将参加抽奖活动,从书展或 Flyleaf Books 获得价值不超过 10 美元的免费图书。 (每班一名获奖者.)

25,000 美元 – 扔馅饼!

所有学生都将参加抽奖活动,轮流向教师和工作人员扔奶油馅饼。 (每个班级一名获胜者。)以及Glen the Gator 将出人意料地出现。
