Parents hanging Chinese lanterns at Glenwood school

Student Decorated Chinese Lanterns 悬挂学生装饰的中国灯笼

PTA in Action: Hanging Student Decorated Chinese Lanterns

The PTA funded the purchasing of paper Chinese Lanterns for third and fifth graders to decorate – and the rest of us to visually and emotionally enjoy – in celebration of Chinese New Year. Thank you Yijing Ding, Lesley Sherrill, and Megan Goodwin for helping me (Courtney) hang 200 lanterns. If you’d like to volunteer to help with something like this in the future, please email us at

PTA 在行动:悬挂学生装饰的中国灯笼

PTA 资助购买了纸质中国灯笼,供三年级和五年级学生来装饰以庆祝农历新年—当然也让我们其他人在视觉和情感上享受。感谢 Yijing Ding、Lesley Sherrill 和 Megan Goodwin 帮我(Courtney)挂了 200 个灯笼。如果您想在未来自愿为此类事情提供帮助,请发送电子邮件至 与我们联系。

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