The Countdown Begins 开始学期倒计时….

The school day countdown began in our house this morning: 12.5 days of school to go. 

A few items to highlight:

  1. PTA volunteers: We have 14 small and important jobs to fill. Please volunteer here.
  2. SIT applicants: Please serve on Glenwood’s School Improvement Team. This team is required by NC state law. (Info below.)
  3. Book Fair: Our Flyleaf book fair is next week. (Info below.)
  4. Yearbooks will be distributed on Friday – see below if you missed ordering on, as we have extras to sell
  5. Culture Night: A HUGE thank you to parent Trina Rodgers and Teacher Mia Zhang and all of our volunteers, including a group of NC State students, for making our Glenwood Culture Night a success. We estimate that 500 people came! Please fill out this survey so we can get your feedback!

今天开始我们家正式进入了期末倒计时:还有 12.5 天就暑假了。


  1. PTA 志愿者:我们有 14 个重要的大小职位要填补。 请在这里volunteer报名。
  2. SIT 申请者:请考虑在Glenwood 的学校改进团队任职。 该团队是北卡罗来纳州法律要求的。 (详情如下。)
  3. 书展:我们的 Flyleaf 书展将于下周举行。 (详情如下。)
  4. 学年纪念册将在星期五分发,如果您错过了订购,请参阅下文,我们有额外的数目可以出售
  5. 文化之夜:非常感谢家长 Trina Rodgers 和老师 Mia Zhang 以及我们所有的志愿者,包括一群北卡罗来纳州立大学的学生,他们的组织和参与使得我们格伦伍德文化之夜得以成功举行,将近500多人参与其中!我们希望您能填写此调查表this survey,以便我们获得您的反馈!