Glenwood Book Fair at Flyleaf Books 的书展

This week we are partnering with local bookstore Flyleaf Books for a Glenwood book fair. 20% of all  pre-tax sales will be donated to Glenwood to be used for our school’s library. Please make sure to mention Glenwood at checkout, online or in-person, and spread the word. 

When: Monday, May 23 to Monday, May 30

In Store Location: 752 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in Chapel Hill. *mention Glenwood at checkout*

Online *type in “Glenwood” in checkout notes*

Storytime w/Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler, author of When Daddy Shows Me the Sky: Saturday, May 28 at 11:30am

Purchase Books for Classrooms: Scan the QR code, on the flyer below, and get a list, requested by our teachers, for our students’ classrooms.

Flyleaf Books的书展

本周,我们将与当地书店 Flyleaf Books 合作举办格伦伍德书展。 所有税前销售额的 20% 将捐赠给 Glenwood,用于我们学校的图书馆。 请务必在结账时或在线购买时,提及 Glenwood,并进行宣传。


位置:752 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in Chapel Hill。 *结账时请提及格伦伍德*


5 月 28 日,星期六,上午 11:30:与 Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler 的故事时间,《当爸爸向我展示天空时》的作者


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