SIT Elections  学校改进团队选举

This past Friday, you received an email from the PTA regarding SIT (School Improvement Team) elections at Glenwood. The School Improvement Team (SIT) is a school committee made up of school administrators, teachers, staff, and parents/legal guardians who serve as an advisory body to the principal in developing, reviewing, and implementing the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The School Improvement Team is required by NC State Law. 

This is not a PTA volunteer job; rather, it is a volunteer opportunity to work with our school administration on the improvement of our school.We have 2 two-year terms and 1 one-year term to fill. More information and the application is here. The application deadline is May 2. Please reach out to us or Mr. Bennett if you have any questions.

上周五,您收到了 PTA 发来的关于格伦伍德 SIT(学校改进团队)选举的电子邮件。学校改进小组 (SIT) 是一个由学校管理人员、教师、教职员工和家长/法定监护人组成的学校委员会,他们在制定、审查和实施学校改进计划 (SIP) 方面担任校长的咨询机构。北卡罗来纳州法律要求学校改进团队。
这不是 PTA 志愿者工作;相反,这是一个与我们学校管理部门合作改进学校的志愿者机会。我们有 2 个两年制学期和 1 个一年制学期要填补。更多信息和应用程序在这里申请截止日期为 5 月 2 日。如果您有任何问题,请联系我们或 Bennett 先生。