New trees at Glenwood

Glenwood PTA: Your Involvement & Donations at Work 您在工作中的参与和捐款

Glenwood is home to SEVEN new Nuttal Oak trees. Thank you to Glenwood parents Greg Fitch and John Sweet for using their knowledge, experience and labor to plant, mulch, and trim these trees for our current and future students (funded by the PTA). Check out the five new trees flanking our school’s main entrance. A sixth tree installed by the drop off parking lot to help shade it over time, and a seventh tree installed behind some classrooms to replace an old tree. 

These trees are currently fourteen feet tall, native to our area, have attractive growth and highly support biodiversity in North America. (We can all look for birds soon in their branches.) 

Glenwood PTA:您在工作中的参与和捐款

格伦伍德拥有七棵新的纳塔尔橡树。感谢 Glenwood 的父母 Greg Fitch 和 John Sweet 运用他们的知识、经验和劳动为我们现在和未来的学生种植、覆盖和修剪这些树木(由 PTA 资助)。看看我们学校正门两侧的五棵新树。下车停车场安装了第六棵树,随着时间的推移帮助遮荫,第七棵树安装在一些教室后面,以取代一棵老树。

这些树目前有 14 英尺高,原产于我们地区,具有吸引力的生长并高度支持北美的生物多样性。 (我们都可以很快在树枝上寻找鸟类。)