SNAC Petition SNAC 申请

SNAC Petition for EC Pay

The Special Needs Advisory Council (SNAC) has developed a petition for Dr. Hamlett and the Board of Education to consider increasing pay for EC (exceptional children) teachers and assistants. This is to make the district more competitive with area districts in hiring and retaining EC staff. It will be shared at the next Board of Education meeting.

The petition (linked below) has additional information.

Please take time to sign it and share your perspective.

SNAC Petition

SNAC 申请 EC Pay

特殊需求咨询委员会 (SNAC) 已向 Hamlett 博士和教育委员会提出请愿书,要求考虑增加 EC(特殊儿童)教师和助理的工资。这是为了使该学区在聘用和留住 EC 员工方面与地区学区更具竞争力。它将在下一次教育委员会会议上分享。

