We Need YOU 学年我们需要你

We Need YOU for the 2022-2023 School Year

Have you done something for our school yet? Now is the time! Please consider taking on a small or big role next year with the Glenwood PTA to support our kids. Here’s our full list of needs both big and small:


Our biggest need is a future President and Vice-President. Mary Elizabath and I will leave you in good hands, with lots of volunteers, structure and our background support. Mary Elizabeth and I took on this role as total novices – (I, Courtney had never even been inside the building!). You can do it too! We’re excited to welcome new faces, energy and ideas!

2022-2023 学年我们需要你

你为我们学校做点什么了吗?现在是时候了!请考虑明年在 Glenwood PTA 中担任或大或小的角色,以支持我们的孩子。这是我们需求的完整列表:http://glenwoodpta.org/volunteer-2/

我们最大的需要是未来的总裁和副总裁。 Mary Elizabeth 和我将在众多志愿者、组织结构和我们的背景支持下为您服务。Mary Elizabeth 和我完全是新手——(Courtney至从未进过大楼!)。你也可以做到!我们很高兴欢迎新面孔、新能量和新想法!