Then Comes March 然后是三月

After February, Then Comes March

After February, then comes March… and SPRING! For many of us, February feels like the “longest” shortest month of the year, and it’s why we gave the staff a little extra cheer with a Staff Appreciation Week. For any of you feeling the winter grind, spring and it’s beauty and joy and warmth is just around the corner. We hope you – or at least your children – enjoyed last week’s extra long weekend.

  • Courtney Yarbrough and Mary Elizabeth Maynard

P.S. We don’t have much to say this week except for: (1) Sign up for the PSF 5K and support our public schools! (2)  Volunteer in little ways – we, the PTA, and Glenwood, the staff, still need more help – we’d love to see more Glenwood faces participating and engaging in our school – please see opportunities in the “Previous Announcements” section. 


二月之后,然后是三月……和春天! 对于我们中的许多人来说,二月感觉像是一年中“最长”最短的一个月,这就是为什么我们通过员工感谢周给员工一点额外的欢呼。 对于你们中的任何人来说,感受到冬天的磨砺,春天和它的美丽、快乐和温暖就在拐角处。 我们希望您 – 或者至少是您的孩子 – 享受了上周的超长周末。

  • Courtney Yarbrough and Mary Elizabeth Maynard

附言 本周我们没什么可说的,除了:(1) 报名参加 PSF 5K 并支持我们的公立学校! (2) 志愿服务——我们 PTA 和 Glenwood 教职员工仍然需要更多帮助——我们希望看到更多 Glenwood 面孔参与和参与我们的学校——请在“以前的公告”部分查看 .