
Thank You Volunteers 您在工作中的参与和捐款

February 11, 2022

Thank You Staff Appreciation Week Volunteers

A last big thank you to Molly Dansby, Liz Nicholson and April Starling for making Staff Appreciation Week a success. Another thank you to our additional volunteers, tiny gift donations, and Valentine cards. We’ve included a highlight photo from each day of the week.

Glenwood PTA:您在工作中的参与和捐款

最后非常感谢 Molly Dansby、Liz Nicholson 和 April Starling 使员工感谢周取得成功。 再次感谢我们的额外志愿者、小额礼物捐赠和情人节卡片。 我们已经包含了一周中每一天的精彩照片。