It is December 现在是十二月

It Is December 

“December is a simple wish that brings spectacular moments.” – Unknown

I love the month of December. My kids love it too. We love the lights, the music, and the joyfulness. We love peppermint ice-cream, potato latkes, quiet family time, and our eight foot Christmas tree covered in half-broken ornaments.

I love the month of December, despite not getting “everything” done. Our “magical elf”, Elfie, didn’t show up on time due to a “staffing shortage.” Our holiday card may or may not get mailed in January. And my kids may miss their bedtime for the eighth night in a row.

To whatever makes your December filled with spectacular moments, we wish you winter holiday cheer: Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year’s and/or Happy Winter Break. 

Courtney Yarbrough and Mary Elizabeth Maynard (PTA Co-Presidents)


“十二月是一个简单的愿望,带来了壮观的时刻。” – 佚名

我喜欢十二月。 我的孩子们也喜欢它。 我们喜欢灯光、音乐和欢乐。 我们喜欢薄荷冰淇淋、土豆饼、安静的家庭时光,以及我们八英尺长的圣诞树,上面覆盖着半碎的装饰品。

我喜欢十二月,尽管“一切”都没有完成。 由于“人手不足”,我们的“魔法精灵”艾尔菲没有准时出现。 我们的节日贺卡可能会也可能不会在一月份寄出。 我的孩子们可能会连续第八个晚上错过他们的就寝时间。


Courtney Yarbrough 和 Mary Elizabeth Maynard(PTA 联席主席)

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