Happy Thanksgiving 感恩节快乐

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is in eleven days! I will be spending the entire week with my brother’s family. I am very excited. We will talk a lot, eat a lot, and hopefully walk a lot. Meanwhile, our children will spend the week pretending to be turkeys. They will squawk a lot, wildly run around a lot, and peck at us for food a lot. If you see a bunch of girls in homemade turkey headbands – they’re my kids and my nieces – feel free to flap your arms, like a turkey, with them.

On a more serious note, please encourage your student(s) to participate in the Student Gratitude Project for our Glenwood teachers and staff. Thank you Glenwood staff and Glenwood volunteers for all of your hard work on getting our school and community up and running again. Lastly, thank you Glenwood parents and businesses who donated to Gator Giving.

Courtney Yarbrough and Mary Elizabeth Maynard (PTA Co-Presidents)



言归正传,请鼓励您的学生参与我们对格伦伍德教师和工作人员的感恩答谢计划。感谢 Glenwood 工作人员和 Glenwood 志愿者的辛勤付出,让我们的学校和社区得以重新启动并顺利运行。最后,感谢向 Gator Giving 捐款的 Glenwood 父母和企业。我们达到了 25,000 美元的筹款目标!

Courtney Yarbrough 和 Mary Elizabeth Maynard(PTA 联席主席)