Glenwood Night Out with Brenz Pizza 格伦伍德餐厅日

Glenwood Restaurant Day: Brenz Pizza

We are excited to announce our November Glenwood Restaurant partnership will be with local restaurant, Brenz Pizza, on Wednesday, November 17! Brenz, conveniently located next to Glenwood (in the East 54 urban village between Raleigh Road and Prestwick), offers both takeout and delivery, and they will donate 20% percent of all sales all day when we mention Glenwood in our order! This is a great way to support our local restaurants and raise money for our Glenwood community! More information to come in your child’s Gator Communicator. Get more info about Brenz here!

If you have suggestions of a restaurant that might like to host a Glenwood Night Out in the coming months, please email us at

格伦伍德餐厅日Brenz Pizza 

我们很高兴地宣布,我们 11 月的格林伍德餐厅日合作伙伴定于当地餐厅 Brenz Pizza,日期是11 月 17 日星期三! Brenz 位于格林伍德旁边(位于 Raleigh Road 和 Prestwick 之间的 East 54 城中村),交通便利,提供外卖和送货服务,当您在订单中提到 Glenwood 时,他们将20% 的销售额捐赠给格林伍德! 这是支持我们当地餐馆并为我们的格伦伍德社区筹集资金的好办法! 更多信息请查阅您孩子的 Gator Communicator。 在此处获取有关Brenz的更多信息!

如果您对下个月可能举办的 Glenwood Night Out 的餐厅有任何建议,请发送电子邮件至。