Meet the Teacher on Our Board 欢迎 PTA 董事会成员

Meet the Teacher on Our PTA Board: Ms. Zhang

Mia Zhang puts the “T” in PTA, Parent-Teacher Association. Ms. Zhang is a fourth grade dual language teacher, and this is her second year at Glenwood, having previously taught in the US and South Korea. Her students would say she is creative, enthusiastic, and helps them learn new things every day. Please thank Ms. Zhang for helping us help her, her co-workers, and our children maximize their elementary education and experience. 

欢迎 PTA 董事会成员 : 张老师 (Mia Zhang)

张老师进入的是PTA中”老师“这个席位, 可协助老师和家长之间的关系。张老师是4年级的双语班老师,这是她在格林伍德的第二年。她曾在美国的其他地方和韩国教过书。她的学生们都喜欢叫她是一个充满创造性的,热情的,不知疲倦教授新东西的老师。让我们热烈欢迎张老师的加入,这将会帮助我们更实用地帮助老师和其他教职工, 以此让学生得到的教育和经历更好地展现和发挥作用。

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