New! Gator Gear Online Store 最近上线!  鳄鱼齿轮在线商店 

NEW! Gator Gear Online Store

Did you miss the deadline for ordering Gator Gear? Do you now want a really cool GREEN hoodie in addition to your t-shirt? You can now pre-order Gator Gear for our next Gator Gear production run. All available from our new online store payable by credit card. We will collect re-orders and new pre-orders through November 10 before producing the next batch of Gator Gear. 

If you prefer to pay by cash or check, please fill out the online order form and send money payment in an envelope to school with the words “Glenwood PTA Gator Gear” on the front. Please make checks payable to Glenwood PTA.

最近上线!  鳄鱼齿轮在线商店 

您是否错过了订购 Gator Gear 的截止日期?除了 T 恤之外,您现在还想要一件非常酷的绿色连帽衫吗?您现在可以 预订我们的下一次 Gator Gear。所有这些都可以从我们新的网上商店通过信用卡支付。在生产下一批 Gator Gear 之前,我们将在 11 月 10 日之前收集重新订购和新预订的订单。   如果您喜欢用现金或支票付款,请填写在线订购表格,并用信封将付款寄到学校,正面写有“Glenwood PTA Gator Gear”字样。支票抬头请写给 Glenwood PTA。

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