Advocacy Alert 倡导提示

Advocacy Alert: State Funding of Our Public Schools

A note from Cassie Ford, CHCCS PTA Council President: “As you may know, the Leandro deadline is approaching, and we need to help folks who want to put pressure on their legislators. This linked letter is a template that you can modify and use to reach out to your school communities to let them know how to take action. 

You can also share the council’s Facebook post to your personal page to help spread the word. 

Time is of the essence, since budget negotiations are ongoing now among Cooper, Moore and Berger, Leandro funding needs to make it into the budget before Oct 18th.”


CHCCS PTA 理事会主席 Cassie Ford 的一份说明中提到:“如您所知,Leandro 的最后期限即将到来,我们需要帮助那些想向立法者施加压力的人。这封链接信是一个模板,您可以修改并使用它来联系您的学校社区,让他们知道如何采取行动。

您还可以将市议会的 Facebook 帖子分享到您的个人页面,以帮助宣传。

时间至关重要,因为 Cooper、Moore 和 Berger 现在正在进行预算谈判,Leandro 的资金需要在 10 月 18 日之前纳入预算。”

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