It’s October! 月了!

It’s October!

L.M. Montgomery said it best, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” We hope you find a moment to bask in, smile at, or enjoy whatever makes your Octobers special. 

Courtney Yarbrough and Mary Elizabeth Maynard (PTA Co-Presidents)

P.S. Many thanks to all who dined with Jade Palace this past Thursday. Even with their hiring two extra delivery drivers, the owner was amazed at all of the orders and apologetic to those who had to wait. Because of your generosity, almost $500 was raised for Glenwood!! Thank you, Gator Community!


L.M. 蒙哥马利说得最好,“我很高兴我生活在一个有十月的世界。”我们希望您能找到时间尽情享受、微笑或享受让您的十月与众不同的一切。

Courtney Yarbrough 和 Mary Elizabeth Maynard(PTA 联席主席)

附言非常感谢上周四与翡翠宫共进晚餐的所有人。即使他们额外雇用了两名送货司机,店主仍对所有订单感到惊讶,并向那些不得不等待的人表示歉意。由于您的慷慨解囊,为 Glenwood 筹集了将近 500 美元!!谢谢你,鳄鱼社区!

Courtney Yarbrough 和 Mary Elizabeth Maynard(PTA 联席主席)