Student wearing yellow for spirit day

Upcoming Spirit Day 星期四的精神日

Spirit Day on Thursday, September 30

Let’s celebrate the last day of September with a COLOR spirit day!!  Please help get your Glenwood student(s) excited about dressing up in the color of their grade. Don’t have the color? Borrow Dad’s sweater or Mom’s socks. Or cut out a construction paper circle and pin it to your shirt. Wear a little bit of color or A LOT of color – socks, shorts, t-shirts, bows, and bandanas work. The point is to have fun and bond with your grade and school. 

Kindergarten: Light Blue

First Grade: Yellow

Second Grade: Red

Third Grade: Orange

Fourth Grade: Green

Fifth Grade: Dark Blue

9 月 30 日星期四的精神日

让我们用彩色精神日来庆祝九月的最后一天!!请让您的 Glenwood 学生为穿上他们年级对应的颜色的衣服感到兴奋。没有这些对应的颜色?借爸爸的毛衣或妈妈的袜子。或者剪下一个建筑纸圈,然后把它别在你的衬衫上。穿一点或很多带这些颜色的袜子、短裤、T 恤、蝴蝶结和头巾。关键是要玩得开心,并与您的年级和学校建立联系。







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