Glenwood PTA Handbook

Glenwood PTA Handbook 年格伦伍德 PTA 手册!

Hot Off the Press: Your 2021-2022 Glenwood PTA Handbook!

For the first time in school history, our PTA Handbook has been published in four languages! The PTA handbook serves as an information guide to Glenwood traditions, events, and gives you a sense of what to expect throughout the year. Soft copy links are below. Kindergartners and first graders, as well as Glenwood newcomers, will receive a hard copy in Friday’s Gator Communicator. We will also leave a few extra copies at the front office for any other families that want one. 

新鲜出炉:2021-2022 年格伦伍德 PTA 手册!

我们的 PTA 手册在学校历史上首次以四种语言出版! PTA 手册将介绍Glenwood 的传统、提供活动的信息指南,让您了解全年会有什么活动。手册链接如下。幼儿园和一年级学生以及格伦伍德的新来者将在周五的 Gator Communicator 中收到纸质版。我们还会在前台留几份额外的副本,供其他需要的家庭使用。

Arabic Chinese English Spanish

阿拉伯语         中文                 英文                西班牙语